Upper & Lower Body Freedom

Enjoy Better Mobility, Restore Natural Flexibility, Feel the Difference

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Somatics Exercise Class 58
Movements for the thighs, hips, legs, chest, shoulders, arms, back and psoas too!

Here's What You Get and Discover How to...

  • Experience Your Self at Deeper Levels.
  • Learn How to Relieve the Massage Therapists Favorite Problematic Muscle - the Psoas. And at the Same Time - Relieve the Hamstrings Too!
  • Do the Key Movement Pattern which is Vital for the Brain’s Cerebrospinal Fluid.
  • Easy Relief for the Legs, Chest, Shoulders, Arms and Spine Too .
  • Relieve Knee Tension with a Simple Micro-movement.
  • Lubricate the Ball and Socket Joints of the Hips.
  • Free Up Rounded Shoulders and Loosen Tight Inner Leg Muscles.
  • A Foundation for Total Recovery.
  • … and How You can Set Your Self Up to Feel Comfortable for Life.

Get Immediate Access and Start Feeling Good in Minutes!

  • Feel extraordinary relaxation, rejuvenation, and an improved sense of well-being.

  • Discover easy ways to let go of stiff, tight, contracted and painful muscles.

  • Feel comfortable, be flexible and move well for life in 3 easy steps.

"What Do I Get With Instant Access...?"

  • A digital download of an audio recording which gives you all the moves you need to know.
  • A handy library for future access in case the computer/smart phone eats the recording.
  • Written guidelines covering the content of the class concepts...
  • … and access to me, Ed Barrera, H.S.E.®(Hanna Somatic Educator) to answer any questions and provide help.

"Can I Do This On My Own...?"


Yes, anyone can do this and follow the simple 3 step method to feeling comfortable now.

Even if you're new or a beginner.  I’ll expertly guide you along as you listen and easily follow along.

You’ll be able to talk with me and I’ll make sure you get it right.

Here's what they're saying:

"My knees were vibrating so much, then everything calmed down and I felt very peaceful.  For some time I had been feeling very tight and tense and was surprised how quickly things literally shook themselves out.  What a wonderful experience."

“Back feels more relaxed.” 

"Now I know what to do when my shoulders hunch forwards.  This feels so right."

- Class Participants

Yes, You Can Do It!

You’ll feel the difference in how your brain will help your body move and feel better… even if this is your first time.

 Save 20% when you order before the timer hits 0.

Regular Price $33.25

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